Base layers Double layer mittens Down layers Four enemies of warmth Hardshell layer Hot water bottles How to use a solid-core pad Staying warm in your tent Staying warm outside your tent Versatile laying system Winter Nights

Tips for Staying Warm at Camp

There is nothing more satisfying than being comfortable in extremely harsh weather. It is possible to be in below-freezing temperatures for multiple days without ever shivering or feeling cold. Staying warm in cold weather requires a combination of gear and skill. If you don’t have the appropriate gear you will be cold and uncomfortable. You can bring the appropriate gear but if you fail to use it correctly you’ll be miserable. You need gear to insulate you from the elements but you also need to adjust your behavior in the cold. 

Winter backpacking is not about learning how to endure the cold. It is about learning ways to stay warm.

cooking pit at night

I don’t build fires to stay warm. I don’t do jumping jacks to stay warm. I don’t use unreliable tools such as hand warmers or electrical warming devices. So how do I stay warm and comfortable? This post will focus on staying warm around camp and staying warm inside your tent.

Categories of Layering Don't Lose Your Heat Rule Frostbite prevention Gloves Health Hazards Hot water bottles Hypothermia prevention Layering Layering at Camp Layering Gear list Layering while hiking PNW Weather Preventing Wet Clothing Rain Pants Safety precautions Setting up camp in harsh conditions Tips for staying warm Vapor-Barrier Socks Warm Feet Strategies Water Bottles Wind chill Wind Protection Gear Winter Layering techniques

Layering for Winter Backpacking

Layering in the Pacific Northwest:

Knowing how to layer clothing will determine whether you are comfortable or uncomfortable in winter conditions. But be aware that the information here is for winter conditions of the Pacific Northwest, which are comparatively mild—meaning conditions between 0–45º F on average in elevations between 1000–7000 ft and winds that are mostly 0–25 mph and rarely up to gale force. You will likely need more insulation in colder regions, which is why in many places people are traveling on skis pulling heavier gear on a pulk, rather than backpacking in snowshoes. In Pacific Northwest, it is not difficult to backpack in winter with a 25–35 lb backpack. The mountainous terrain here would make pulling a pulk nearly impossible. Nevertheless, some of the basic techniques described in this short introduction to layering may be useful in other destinations.

Hot water bottles Mummy bags vs quilts Sleeping pads Sleeping systems

Tips for Sleeping Warm

Here are 12 basic tips for having a warm night’s sleeping while sleeping out on the snow or ice.

1. Pick a sheltered campsite. Camp on the leeward side of ridges and mountains or near large boulders that break the wind. Avoid camping near water or in drainage areas where cold air collects. For me, views take priority, so generally, I don’t always pick the most sheltered site. To stay warm, I rely on other strategies (listed below). 

Dedicated base layers Down insulation Hot water bottles Male vs female sleeping bags Maximizing warm Mummy bags vs quilts Pacific Northwest Temperatures Sleeping Bag Liners Sleeping bag storage Sleeping bags Sleeping pads Sleeping systems Synthetic insulation Tips for staying warm Weather Winter Backpacking Gear

Winter Sleeping Bags

How to Choose a Sleeping Bag for Pacific Northwest Winter Backpacking

If you are used to camping in summer and the shoulder seasons and are wondering what type of sleeping bag you’ll need for winter use in the Cascade Mountains in Oregon and Washington State, here are some basic points to consider.

Canister and Liquid Fuel Stoves Canister Stoves Fire starters Flasks Flints Lighters Liquid Fuel Stoves Nalgene bottles Stove Repair kits Stoves Water Bottles Winter water management

How to Keep Your Water from Freezing

If you want to really enjoy winter backpacking, one of the first skills you need to master is your water management. This is both about staying hydrated and staying warm. It may seem like a minor thing to have your water freeze in a plastic bottle, but if you allow this to happen, it is one of those small things that can spiral into big problems. You don’t want this to happen.

Do not use pack bladders

Perhaps the most important thing to know about winter water management is that you cannot risk letting your gear get wet or letting your water freeze in containers. Pack pladders are dangerous in water conditions because they can leak on your vital down gear and put you at risk of hypothermia. The mouth value easily freezes making it impossible to extract water placing you are risk of dehydration. And, if the bladder freezes at night or in your pack, it becomes useless. You simple are carrying a large amount of ice.

If not a pack bladder, what should you use? Let’s start with the basic gear necessary for managing your water.